香菇 素有\"山珍\"之稱,是我國民間筵席上不可缺少的\"素中之葷\"的名菜。日本人稱香菇爲\"植物性食品的頂峰\",羅馬人將其列爲\"上帝食品\"。香菇營養豐富,對人體健康十分有益。據食品專家分析,每100克的幹香菇中,含蛋白質13克,脂肪1.8克,碳水化合物54克,粗纖維7.8克,灰分4.9克,鈣124毫克,磷415毫克,鐵25.3毫克,以及維生素B1、B2、C等。此外還含有較多的麥角甾醇及甘露醇等,經日光或紫外線照射,均可轉變成維生素D2,可增強人體免疫能力,並能幫助兒童骨骼和牙齒的生長。據報道香菇中有30多種酶,是糾正人體酶缺乏的獨特食品。
Shitake mushroom is known as the \" santyn \" which is the indispensable famous dish in the folk feast of china. Japan say that shitake mushroom is \"the summit in plant food \".Romans say that it is \"the food of the god\". shitake mushroom with rich nutrition, very beneficial to human body health. According to the food expert analysis, every 100 grams of dry shitake mushroom has 13 grams protein, 1.8 grams fat , 54 grams carbohydrates , 7.8 grams crude fiber, 4.9 grams ash, 124 mg calcium, 415 mg phosphorus, 25.3 mg iron, and vitamin B1, B2, C, etc. In addition to containing more MaiJiao sterol and mannitol.they all can be transformed into vitamin D2 at ultraviolet radiation, the sun.it can enhance human immunity, and can help children bones and teeth to grow up . According to the report in the mushroom is 30 enzymes, correct the human body lacking Enzymes.
聯 絡 人:嚴先生 聯絡電話:0086-519-85170827 |