Bird Brand Powerful Air Blow Gun
High air flow & high working pressure resistance.
Effort-saving trigger provides easy operation.
Ergonomic handle & smooth body design.
Material of body : POM
Maximum pressure resistance about 15 kg (210 psi)
Suitable for factory dust cleaning, home cleaning, electrical and electronic cleaning, car cleaning, tire inflation in automobile and motorcycle repair shops, and a must-have product for all walks of life.
聯 絡 人:張先生 聯絡電話:04-22833141 通訊地址:台中市東區東光園路100巷85號
泱駿企業有限公司 - Yang Jyun 台中市東區東光園路100巷85號 TEL : 04-22833141 FAX : 04-22833143