泱駿企業有限公司 - Yang Jyun https://www.ihomediy.com.tw/?blog=17766 登入

泱駿企業有限公司 - Yang Jyun

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In the early days, the company was mainly engaged in the production of precision plastic molds and the manufacturing and OEM of various plastic products (such as gas stove electronic parts, etc.). It has more than 30 years of experience in exclusively developing and producing industrial bird-type air guns to supply the needs of mid-tier companies. It is widely used in machinery processing factories, plastic processing factories, automobile repair shops and construction and decoration projects, etc. It has accumulated a stable customer base over the years.

We will create a new corporate image, from design thinking to product terminals, divided into four cores: Technology, Innovation, Minimalist, and Sustainability, redefine the core value of the brand, and provide comprehensive planning and customized services. , a complete set of integrated design and manufacturing solutions, working with you to create unique products.

If you need related cooperation, please call us.

泱駿企業有限公司 - Yang Jyun
台中市東區東光園路100巷85號    TEL : 04-22833141    FAX : 04-22833143

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