新進機電廠股份有限公司 https://www.ihomediy.com.tw/?blog=97 登入


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新進公司 創立於1947年,初期以防爆燈、煤礦檢測設備為主要業務。70年代,國內經濟起飛,為配合政府公共建設需求,投身戶外照明產品開發,生產路燈、庭園、景觀燈及建築物、運動場、碼頭、航空站等照明設施。公司位於桃園市龜山區 林口工三工業區,為國內公共照明設備專業廠商。
在穩定的品質控管下,本公司通過 ISO 9001 國際品保認證,產品外銷日本、新加坡、上海、菲律賓、越南、柬埔寨、外蒙古等地區,得到客戶肯定。在國內高速公路、高鐵站、捷運站、城市街道景觀,亦常能見到本公司產品的身影。
       衷心感謝長久以來,支持愛護我們的客戶與設計師,更希望業界先進指教並攜手合作,共同開創市場,新進公司樂以 精良的技術、創新的產品、負責的態度、提供您滿意的服務。

 Shin Jin company  was established in 1947 with expertise on manufacturing anti-explosion lighting and equipments used for the testing purpose in mining environment. To keep up with fast growing economic movement in Taiwan from the 1970's and meet the government requirement on infrastructure, we expanded our products to include exterior lighting development which covered road and street pole & light, and various lighting equipments used in gardens, sport stadiums, sea & air ports, and many others. In 1983, the manufacturing plant was relocated to Industrial Zone #3 at Lin-Kou Industrial Park, Tao-Yuan.
      With ISO 9001 certification, we have undertaken Total Quality Control to manufacture excellent quality product and exported to countries including Japan, Singapore, Shanghai﹙China﹚, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia and Mongolia. Our products could be seen all over Taiwan on National Highways and Freeways, High-Speed Train stations, MRT stations, Streets and other sights.
       To keep up with new and multi-demands of different people in connection to public lighting and envirnment visions, Shin Jin has offered the best services to our customers for both software and hardware and continuously improved its R&D on both product design and the technology to meet new developments from America and Europe.
     It's highly appreciated to have the long term support from you and the designers. We are looding forward to partnering with you to create a better future, we will continue to offer our new technologies, innovative products and guarantee your quality to satisfy your needs.

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